Lunch Times
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At Archibald Primary we are passionate about the health and well being of our students.
Eating well is important. Children need to eat well as it will give them energy and nutrients to grow and develop, be healthy and active. A healthy, enjoyable lunch gives children the energy they need to learn and play at school.
Running a four-week menu cycle our catering department offers a selection of healthy lunch time meals, while using a variety of seasonal fruit and vegetables.
While we do all we can to offer a variation of main meals, there may be times where we need to amend some aspects of the menu, if unforeseen circumstances arise. Our catering team will be happy to help if you have any questions or concerns.
Packed Lunch Guidance
We ask that parents support our aim to provide healthy well-balanced meals for our children. We encourage healthy eating at lunchtimes and to this end packed lunches should not include sweets or chocolate bars. Fizzy drinks or energy drinks should also not be brought into school as part of a packed lunch.
What to Include:
Starchy Food
Starchy foods give energy, fibre, vitamins and minerals.
- Bread; try different types of bread, such as pitta bread, wraps, bread rolls, chapattis, bread rolls, baguettes or crackers
- Other starchy foods such as pasta, potato, couscous, rice or noodles
- Whole grain varieties are best for fibre, which is vital for a healthy digestive system.
Meat and Alternatives
Lean meats Protein foods build muscles and provide minerals.
- Lean meats such as chicken, turkey or ham.
- Meat alternatives such as Quorn or tofu
- Cheese, a variety of types.
- Eggs, such as boiled, quiche or omelette
- Dishes containing pulses, beans or meat such as dahl, stew, bean salad
- Meat products such a sausage rolls, sausages, pastries should only be included on a weekly basis or less.
Use butter, margarine, mayonnaise or salad dressings sparingly because these can be high in fat or use lower fat alternatives.
Nuts in any form are not allowed in school packed lunches as some children are allergic to these.
Dairy Foods
These foods provide calcium necessary for strong bones and teeth, as well as providing protein and vitamins. Lower fat varieties are healthier.
- Include a dairy product or alternative such as yogurt, fromage frais, custard or semi skimmed or skimmed milk.
Fruit and Vegetables
Fruit and vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and fibre necessary for the body to function properly and to keep you strong and healthy.
Any variety of fresh fruit or vegetable is a staple for a healthy packed lunch
- Add tomato, cucumber, beetroot, lettuce or grated carrot to a sandwich
- A vegetable dish such as salad or vegetables
- Fresh fruit such as apple, banana, pear or melon
- Dried fruit such as raisins, apricots or figs
- Fruit salad (fresh or tinned in juice)
- Finger foods such as cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, cucumber sticks, celery to be used with dips.
If you wish to include grapes in your child’s packed lunch, please ensure that they are cut in half due to the choking hazard.
Pupils who bring a packed lunch are welcome to drink water with their lunch if they do not bring a drink. Drinking water is always available to all pupils in our dining room
Please be aware that children who bring a packed lunch are encouraged to take any uneaten food home. This prevents waste and also allows parents/carers to keep a track of how much of the lunch is being eaten each day.
For more information and advice please visit:
Free School Meals
If you need advice for Free School Meals, please click the link below.