Welcome to Archibald Primary School

Message From Our Head

We hope you find our website a useful source of information and that it gives a good insight into our busy and friendly school.

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School Values and Ethos

In our school we provide a safe environment and aim to understand and meet the needs of the individual child.

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School News

Read about the latest goings on at Archibald...

Magnificent Monarchs

17 June, 2024

In their art lessons Class 6 have been looking at 'Magnificent Monarchs'.

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An Amazing Day!

17 June, 2024

Our Climate Action Group, accompanied by Mrs Petch and members of Climate Action Middlesbrough had a great day at Redcar Beach.

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Wilf Mannion Cup 2024

11 June, 2024

Well done to our UKS2 boys and Girls football teams for participating in the Wilf Mannion Cup.

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News Letter

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Term Dates

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School Partnerships

We have many fantastic partnerships with a variety of organisations.

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