

Believe and Achieve


Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We hope you find it a useful source of information and that it gives a good insight into our busy and friendly school.

Archibald Primary School, part of Endeavour Academies, is proud to be an inclusive place for children to learn.

Pupils in our school come from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures to share new experiences and learn from each other. Our aim is that all of our children feel welcomed, happy and fulfilled; recognising that they are all different and that these differences create opportunities for adults and children alike to learn more about themselves and each other.

Teaching & Learning
Personal Development
Royal Shakespeare Company
Endeavour Academies Trust

Featured News

Poppy Field
Magnificent Monarchs
Picture 1



What's happening in Our Academy

Follow us on our social media to stay up to date with all the exciting things that are going on within our school.

🎉 100% Attendance Challenge Winners 🎉

On the final day of last term, 10 pupils received Attendance Challenge prizes in our Celebration Assemblies.
Tokens were given out, each Friday, to pupils who had been in school all week and the winning tokens were drawn out in the last assembly of the Autumn Term.

The Attendance Challenge now restarts for this half term. Who will win the special prizes for fantastic attendance next time?
The Spring Term is always busy in school with lots to look forward to. In this half term, pupils will try and win prizes in our handwriting competition. We will also be marking Mental Health Week and Safer Internet Week with fun and informative activities in school and online.
Happy New Year! We’re looking forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 6th January - our first day of the Spring Term.
☃️ Children in our Y3 Craft Club have been enjoying making Christmas crafts with Mrs Lawman in their after-school group.
The Autumn Term finishes for all pupils at 1.30pm on Friday 20th December.
The usual end of the day arrangements will apply. Gates will be opened from 1.20pm. For safeguarding reasons, please do not try to come onto the school site before this time as it will still be lunchtime for some year groups.

Friday 20th December is Christmas Party Day. All year groups will be having lots of festive fun! Pupils may wear their party clothes for the day. In order to enhance the party experience, we are asking for a voluntary contribution of £1 per pupil towards prizes and surprises.
There are lots of activities going on at Goals over the Christmas break! Call the number shown to book.