We are delighted to have achieved the Inclusive School Award!

The IQM inclusive school award recognises the ongoing commitment by schools to provide the very best education for all children irrespective of differences.

Committed to the Best Education Possible
Archibald Primary School is an incredibly inclusive school where all the staff are deeply committed to ensuring that pupils have the best education possible, often in challenging circumstances. As one of the pupils said:

"This school is wonderful. If there is something wrong, the adults help you."

Inclusion is Everyone's Responsibility
The Senior Leadership Team is mindful of the context of their school and strive to include all pupils in the school community and give them a wide range of curricular and extra-curricular experiences to improve their quality of life. The Senior Leadership Team state that:

"At Archibald Primary School the management of inclusion is everyone's responsibility, whether it is in the classroom, the playground, the dining room or at before and after school clubs."

Home Learning Systems
The school has responded well to the COVID-19 pandemic, setting up home learning systems quickly and ensuring that all the processes are in place in case they are required in the future. The school has offered lots of emotional support to all pupils with the work with the DSL and Parent Support Adviser making regular calls to families, particularly those who were not engaging with home learning.

Extended Transition Arrangements
The school was aware that pupils who were returning from alternative provision would be particularly anxious during the COVID-19 period, so they were offered extended transition arrangements. One of the pupils concerned was able to articulate how this had helped him settle back into school.

Accessing Online Learning
Pupils were keen to demonstrate the SEESAW learning platform that is used throughout the school with online activities and home/school communication links. The school has purchased more iPads so that children who have to self-isolate are able to access online learning.

Happy Pupils
The two pupils representing the school were a credit to the school and were able to give many examples of why they like Archibald Primary School. One pupil spoke about how he enjoys being in the new nurture class now and how he is supported at playtime by being a mini-mentor, supported by an adult who helps the group to play games and have a happier playtime than if left to organise their own activities independently.

Happy Parents and Carers
The parents spoke very warmly about the parent/carer-friendly ethos of the school. They feel that all their concerns are treated seriously and the school is very responsive to their needs.

They explained that they feel very involved in all decisions concerning their children and feel confident in school meetings that are held to discuss their child’s progress. They mentioned that the Nurture Group is enjoyed by their children, who have said that the smaller group and extra support helps them to make more progress in their work. One parent spoke about how this provision was very important for her child. They mentioned that all the staff go the extra mile for their children and ensure that all their needs are met.

An Attachment-Friendly School
The school is an attachment-friendly school: one of the SENCOs has delivered specific sessions for staff around the theme of attachment which has aided them to adopt relevant strategies and meet the pupils' needs more effectively. CPD has also been delivered to lunch-time staff as pupils may have more difficulty during these unstructured times.

Successful Nurture Group Provision
The Nurture Group provision is proving to be a success for the school. The nine pupils are thriving on the approach which concentrates on core subjects in the morning with a more creative curriculum being offered in the afternoon. One pupil from the Nurture Group spoke about helping prepare the breakfast each morning and how each pupil was practising to accept or decline the offer of a bagel or cereal each morning. The mountain of bagels called magic breakfast appears to be very popular.

Supporting Vulnerable Pupils
The school's Educational Psychologist has provided training for one of the Reception classes to help support them to meet the needs of a child with autism.

Constant Scrutiny of Progress of All
The support staff were represented by two Teaching Assistants at the meeting, they were very passionate about meeting the needs of children at Archibald Primary School with additional needs. Any special needs are identified quickly following the baseline assessments that are completed during the first two weeks at the Nursery. The standard team meetings are highly effective and ensure that no child’s needs are neglected as there is a constant scrutiny on the progress of all pupils.

Sharing Good Practice
The school has made very good links with the Speech and Language Therapist and they follow the interventions required. In the Nursery the BLAST intervention is very successful and helps all children make good progress. The Level 3 Teaching Assistant has spread this expertise to the Pre-school and Reception class. The Nursery understand the importance of word ‘understanding’ and have made packs and props to improve pupils' knowledge in this area.

Governance is Very Effective
Governance of the school is very effective and 'hands-on'. The school has ensured that Governors are aware of all developments, whilst it has not been possible for them to attend school face-to-face. Staff and Governor relationships are very strong. A good culture of challenge and support has developed in the school with the Governing Board.